Friday, December 26, 2008


Have you ever noticed how many pretty, shiny things there are on the internet? I have! I will get this brilliant idea for a project or a lens (Article) and start searching the net for information about it. That is normally where my entire plan goes awry. For instance, I wanted to do another lens on the Paranormal. I started to do some investigating and found a site that led me to a forum. On the forum, they were talking about websites and moving traffic from blogs to websites and the reverse. Wow! Then I started thinking about websites and where I should buy the domain names and who should host them...and completely lost focus on my lens that I initially went digging for information on! Oh, if my thought process only had stop signs and road maps, I'd be set. But it doesn't, so I have learned and am still learning to FOCUS.

I think many of us do that. We have busy lives and are often even helping to raise our Grand children. We try to make money online (and it CAN be done, I do it.) There is so very much information out there that we get pulled away from our initial objectives. It takes a lot of practice but we can become more focused. Since I often have several projects going at once, I now carry a notebook with me and as thoughts occur to me I write them down. I picked 2 projects, or themes that mattered most to me. Those themes were being a WAHG (work at home Grandma) and Saving money. When I am online, I try to spot things that pertain to these two things and follow up on them. If my main priorities are taken care of for the day, I move on to my other interests.

Especially if you want to make money online, focus is extremely important. Pick two things that you want to focus on. Don't make them general such as "I want to make money." Well, of course you do, and the best way to do it is through doing something you love. For me, it's writing. I'll give you a tip; Online exposure normally involves several avenues. One is blogging. If you can type, you can blog. Start blogging about something you love. Another avenue is Squidoo. If you don't know about Squidoo, it is a site where you can create web-pages and be very creative while doing it! In fact, if you don't know what your "niche" is going to be, start with Squidoo before you begin blogging. Join Squidoo- It's fast, fun and free! Create a lens on something you love...anything, just start creating! You can always change the lens in any way you want. Soon you will discover that there are certain things you love writing about more than others. Just start with that for now and we'll go more into it later. Find your focus, that is the message here. It is the beginning of learning to make money online.

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