Thursday, March 31, 2011

Where Seniors Spend their Money

On average, Seniors spend about the same as other individuals on electronics, food, cars and other everyday expenses. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the senior household spends about $2416 on health care (compared to $1758 by the average household). Seniors spend $467 on drugs, whereas the average consumer spends $266.

The cost of even general health needs not covered by insurance , such as heat wraps for aches and pains, get to be quite costly for those over the age of 50. It's a natural part of aging, and yet, like so many issues concerning the older generation, it goes ignored by insurance companies.

People over the age of 50 comprise 37% of the adult  population. It is estimated that by 2015, 45% of the adult population will be over 50. Standards that applied with our parent's generation no longer apply. Business and government are going to have to wake up and smell the Ben Gay.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Those over 50 Spend a lot of Money

Hopefully, marketers will take heed! Last year, boomers spent $2.9 trillion as opposed to $3.3 trillion spent by those under 50. That is darn near an equal share, wouldn't you say? According to USA Today, there are 116 million Americans over the age of 50, and 182 million under that age.

No Fear Here! It was also pointed out that boomers spend just as much, if not more on tech products than the younger set. We may be slowing down, but we ain't finished! Next time you see a lil ole grandma sitting on the porch, watch her pound out on that iPad! Listen up, Marketers.Share/Save/Bookmark

Been Learining a Lot about Blogs

This was my first real blog, but for a while, I concentrated more on another one. My mistake. It irks me to no end that there are thousands of blogs that concentrate on "mommy" bloggers. Well, what gives? Who do they think raised those mommies? lol. We did, that's who! Baby boomers make up the majority of people in the world right now, and our opinion counts. We spend the most amount of money on purchases, that includes purchases for our grandkids. Yet, we have a special set of needs that go along with aging, so there is information that applies to us more than the younger generation.

So....I'm baaaaaaaak. I've been learning a few things about marketing, and how to best set up a blog, and I am going to make this blog bigger and better than ever. There will be giveaways and contests, as well as helpful and fun information all geared towards Grandmas. Stay tuned, more soon!Share/Save/Bookmark