Sunday, November 21, 2010

Twas the Month Before Christmas...

Where does the time go between the end of September, and New Years? Zooooom, it's gone. It seems to go quicker the older I get. This year, it really has been flying by. Of course, the whole year until recently has been a blur. After the surgeries in January, I developed an infection. About 4 months into recovery, I suffered a surgical wound hernia. That has caused some real problems.Not the least of which is I look 8 months pregnant. Now, THAT has started a few conversations!

I should be able to have surgery to repair it sometime around the end of the year, or beginning of next. In the mean-time, the pain has been incredible. So much so that I have gone to the doc twice now requesting pain medication. That is SOOO not me!

On a happier note, I have been quite active with my writing. For those coming over from Thrifty Home, I began this lens out of inspiration through my fellow "lensmasters" at Squidoo. If you like to write, (and if you blog, you qualify!) and you have something to share, teach, or just write about, check out Squidoo. The community is very helpful, and if you need extra help, I and my fellow "squids" would be happy to offer assistance. You can check out some of my lenses by visitng my lensmaster bio. Squidoo is also a great partner with your blog. The link love is incredible!

It seems we "boomers" (not the Oklahoma type) have become quite prolific. The journey is incredible, and if I've learned anything, it's that in succeeding, it's not so much trying to be better than anyone else, it's trying to be as helpful as we can.

So, members of GO, meet the members of the Thrifty Home. Thrifty Home fans and friends, meet the GO team! There is so much we all have to share with each other, so let's get started!

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