I don't think the magic is in the day but rather in our determination on this day. Whether it was held on January 1st or May the 14th, it signifies a change. It represents what we have learned about ourselves and what we would like to change. Personally, I don't make "Resolutions." I do make some general goals and I think that is important to do. Everyone should have goals and aspirations. However, "resolutions" get broken whereas goals can be modified.
No, it's not the day that is magical, it is how we view the past with hindsight and wisdom and use that to try to shape our future. Oh sure, New Years is a holiday and many people celebrate it. I have no problem with that. I prefer to just go on about my business and yet take time to reflect and even plan some goals for the future. New Years does tend to give us hope and that is probably the most magical thing about it. The old year is past. As Oprah said "here's to a new year and another chance to get things right!" Good Ole Oprah.
I thought your post had a great point about the importance of reflection and setting some goals for yourself...a New Year helps spur that along. Thanks, I'll be back in to read what you are up to in 2009!