Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Go Grandma Go

With so many Grandmas going online, participating online and making money online, I decided it was time to have a blog dedicated to helping. I'm a Grandma too and I see many sites and blogs dedicated to WAHM's but nothing for WAHG! (Work at home Grandma's) So that is how "GO" (Grandmas online) came into being. The objective of this blog is to offer support, helpful information and articles pertaining to things Grandmas Online can appreciate. I will also be putting in humor because that is just who I am.

So come on in, grab a cup of hot coffee, have a couple of cookies, relax and let's get started. Also, feel free to join my newsletters, they will have a lot of information too. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Great Blog ~ but there are many WAHG's out there! I'm a work at home Gram with many blogs & ecommerce businesses and I applaud your efforts! Isn't it great to keep active? Keep up the great work!

  2. Well, how FUN! Will put you on my-blogs-that-I follow list!
