Monday, March 2, 2009

News-Personal and Public

From the "What were you thinking" department: A woman in Ohio was stopped today for driving while talking on a cell phone. Oh, and she was also breastfeeding her daughter! DUH! You can see the story HERE

I have a new website coming that I am very excited about and I will be giving you all the addy as soon as it is launched. Hopefully, it will be ready by March 10. That's my goal anyway. I think it is going to be a lot of fun and I am looking forward to it. I've just finished my Webography and it is located at Squidoo so check that out if you get a chance.

I'll be putting together a regular schedule of topics for the weeks posts soon so you'll know what to expect. I'm thinking "Freebie Friday" and "What were you thinking Wednesday" and I don't know what else yet; any suggestions?